Sunday, 15 July 2012

Power shift transmission � remove and reinstall


To remove power shift unit, first remove platform or cab. Remove fuel tanks. Drain oil from transmission and remove filter housing cover and filter assembly from bottom of transmission housing. Attach support stands on each side of tractor. Disconnect battery ground cable, rear wiring harness and neutral start switch wires.

Remove range and power shift selector assemblies and transmission dipstick from transmission cover. Remove cover mounting bolts, then drive wedge and shims from between front of cover and clutch housing. Disconnect all hoses, supply lines and control linkage from remote valve. Remove remote valve mounting bolts and remove valve. Use a hoist to remove transmission cover.

Identify power shift front sequence  valve (2) and rear sequence valve (3) prior to removal as valve are not Interchangeable. Flow restrictors are located in front end rear planetary brake pressure lines (4 and 5)

Disconnect all oil lines from power shift control valve (1). Mark sequence valves (2 and 3) so they can be reinstalled in their original positions, then remove front and rear sequence valves. Remove power shift control valve.
Remove rear lubrication line from top of transmission. Remove transmission mounting bolts and bushings.
Disconnect both hydraulic lines at unions on right side of main frame. Remove hydraulic oil filter assembly from right side of main frame. Disconnect draft sensor cable at hitch upper link connection. Remove remote hoses and mounting bracket. Remove drawbar and drawbar support.

A connector plate must be fabricated from 6 mm thick steal Plate to dimensions shown and used when splitting tree-tors equipped with power shift transmission

1 - 305 mm, 2 - 149.2 mm, 3 - 190 mm, 4 - 35 mm, 5 - 139.7 mm

Remove a mounting bolt from each side of pto housing and install two guide studs. Support pto housing with a hoist, remove remainder of mounting bolts and remove pto unit. Withdraw the pto drive shaft.
Fabricate a connector plate using dimensions. Mount plate between range gearbox and rear axle housing to prevent housings from separating during removal of power shift unit.
Connect a hoist and chain to upper front corner bolts of power shift unit, Remove bolts connecting rear axle housing to main frame. Separate power shift unit from main frame. Support rear of tractor with a stand under range gearbox. Use a hoist with a suitable lifting sling or chain to support power shift unit, then remove stud nuts and separate power shift unit from range gearbox.


Use a hoist to position power shift unit on mounting studs. Tighten stud nuts to 100 N-m (75 ft.-lbs. I torque. Apply Loctite 504 Gasket Eliminator to end of main frame. Roll rear section of tractor forward engaging transmission input shaft in splines of clutch. Tighten housing retaining nuts and bolts to 100 N-m (75 ft.-lbs.) torque. 

- transmission mounting bolts and bushings and tighten to 165 N-m (120 ft.-lbs.) torque. Remove connecting plate.
- pto drive shaft and pto unit. Engage pto and turn output shaft to engage drive shaft splines with pto sliding gear. Tighten  housing  mounting bolts to 75-85 N-m (54-64 ft.-lbs.) torque.
- drawbar support and drawbar. Connect draft sensing cable. 
- hydraulic filter assembly and tighten mounting bolts to 47-57 N. m (35-40 ft-lbs.) torque. 
- filter supply line using a new "O" ring and tighten retaining bolts to 47-57 N-m (35-40 ft.-lbs.) torque. Connect hydraulic lines along right side of main frame.
- lubrication line on top of range gearbox.
- power shift control valve and tighten mounting bolts to 47-57 N-m (35-40 ft.-lbs.) torque. 
- front and rear sequence valves and reconnect hydraulic lines. Make sure flow restrictors are located in front and rear planetary brake pressure lines (4 and 5) at control valve (1).
- transmission cover leaving mounting bolts loosely installed. 
- remote valve using new "O" rings and tighten mounting bolts to 47-57 N-m (35-40 ft.-lbs.) torque. Connect remote valve hydraulic lines and control link-age.
- wedge and shim in front, of transmission cover. Tighten the rear cover mounting bolts and all side and front mounting bolts to 110-130 N-m (80-95 ft.-lbs.) torque. Tighten the two rear bolts to 205-245 Nm (150-180 ft-lbs.) torque. 
- power shift and range shift selector assemblies and tighten mounting bolts to 23-28 Nm (17-20 ft.-lbs.) torque.
Reconnect wiring harness and neutral start switch wires. 
- a new transmission oil filter and tighten filter cover mounting bolts to 23-28 N-m (17-20 ft.-lbs.) torque.
Complete installation by reversing removal procedure.

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